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Work Permit

*Work Permits will be issued from the high school. Office hours for work permits are Mondays through Fridays, 8am-3pm. Please see below for instructions for the required documents to bring.*

Students ages 14-17 need a work permit issued by their home school district. All students who live in Steelton or Highspire can come to the guidance office at Steelton-Highspire High School to obtain a work permit. Once you are 18, even if you are still in school, you no longer need a work permit by PA Labor Laws. Please bring the following with you:

  1. Student AND their parent or legal guardian (the work permit will not be issued if BOTH parties are not present)
  2. ID for the guardian with VALID, CURRENT address
  3. ID for the student in one of the following forms:
    • Birth certificate
    • Baptismal certificate
    • Passport
    • Physician's Statement of the child's birth date